Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Steve Fossett Game

The adventurer Steve Fossett went missing 12 days ago ... it's all very mysterious, and the situation has now developed into a possible modern-day Bermuda triangle incident.

Now I can't admit to being a huge fan - I was aware of him and his exploits but to be honest can't really understand the mentality of people who like taking such risks or "challenges"; it's just not me.

But this morning, when I realised that the story had disappeared from the headlines without resolution, I investigated and found a link on his website telling us how everyone can take part in the search.

They have split the satellite photographs of the search area into little patches, and by signing up through Amazon (of all places?!) you can review patches of ground for his plane, by comparing it to a photo of what it would look like. Obviously, this one's a "no".

This interactive haystack-searching allows people from all over the world to take part and at best makes them feel like adventurers themselves, giving them the satisfactory feeling of being some help, or at worse turns the whole thing into some sort of online game.

Ach - I played the game for a while, not really knowing if I was being helpful or if they were just making us push buttons to make us feel heroic. After all, if he crashed there's not much chance that the wreckage would be plane-shaped...

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